"No man is an Island, entire of itself; every man is a piece of the Continent, a part of the main; if a clod be washed away by the sea, Europe is the less, as well as if a promontory were, as well as if a manor of thy friends or of thine own were; any man's death diminishes me, because I am involved in Mankind; And therefore never send to know for whom the bell tolls; It tolls for thee." - John Donne
I love this quote and, although I fully agree that no man is an island, I feel that every man should LIVE on an island at least once in his life.
The word "island" invokes pictures of white beaches, palm trees, turquoise waves, bronzed surfers and exotic cocktails...of course being consumed while reading something philosophical. In a hammock.
Gujora beach. |
Geoje island is not exactly that kind of island. Yes, it is a mass of land surrounded by ocean, but we don't have the white sand or the palm trees. (Although I have seen some palm trees in the driveway leading up to an aloe farm. Very random.)
It might not be the stuff James Bond movies are made of, but I love the island life. And here is why:
* I can jump on my scooter and go exploring anytime I feel like it. And I always discover something new.
Whayeon Beach. |
I discovered this while hiking at Gujora beach. |
*There is always a beach close by. It has happened so many times: I wake up on a Saturday. The sun is shining brightly and I think: "Wow! What a nice day to go to the beach." And then....I actually go to the beach. Because some are walking distance and others can be reached easily by bus, taxi or bike, the beach is within your reach.
* It kind of feels like you are on a permanent vacation. We work really hard, but somewhere at the back of my mind there is always a little voice saying (In a Jamaican accent of course): " You live on an island, man... It's all good."
The view from Mt. Deagumsan. |
* If you really feel the need to get away from life and all its dramas, you can. There are more than enough secluded spots to go to, lock yourself up and clear your head.
* You have unlimited activities at your fingertips, whether it is going to the beach, hiking, diving, chasing a sunrise, etc. There is always something to do.
We never did see the sun actually rise... |
* It is beautiful. No explanation needed. It is stunning and I won't be able to live anywhere flat and ocean-less ever again.
* I can travel ANYWHERE on my scooter. I don't have to worry about traffic or feel forced to spend money on a bus or taxi. Everything is close.
Island life is great and I am a little bit nervous about moving back to the mainland. It just won't ever be the same.
I conquered Mt. Daegumsan. |
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