
Prior to coming to Korea I had a Facebook profile, but rarely used it more than once a week. I knew about blogging, but I couldn't be bothered to read someone else's or write my own and any information, inspiration or interaction I needed, could be achieved by phoning a friend (or doing some guesswork.)

The main reason for this was that (at the time) internet was pretty expensive and not unlimited. For a single person, living on their own in a rented apartment and earning next to nothing, it made more sense to go to internet cafes every week or two.

Thus, when I came to Korea, a whole new world opened for me. A world filled with a variety of blogs, YouTube, Wikipedia, Streaming Radio, Free Skype calls, online shopping and 24/7 Facebook. For the first few months I just sat staring at the computer screen, while waiting for someone to update their Facebook status, just so I could comment on it. Eventually I started making use of all the other amazing things the internet has to offer. My outlook on the world has changed a lot and I have discovered new interests and hobbies, just because I had access to them!

The internet market in South Africa has changed drastically in the past 3 years and I am excited to know that I will have more access now than I had before, but... I am appreciating Korea's internet. It is fast, it is furious and having it has taught me more than my few years at university ever did.


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