Nom nom nom....cake!

I haven't met many people who don't like cake..and the Koreans are no exception! In fact, they love cake so much that they give each other cake for birthdays, moving house, when they travel, when they come back, when they are sick, when they get promoted, etc. I don't blame them. Korea does great cake! They decorate it with chocolate and rich (but not sweet) cream. And the cake is always nice and moist.
Some of the more plain cakes.
Korean cake flavours vary from strawberry and chocolate to green tea and sweet potato (The latter being the ones I don't eat.) The cakes are sometimes plain, but most of them are decorated either with cute characters (Hello Kitty or Pororo), or with stylish swirls. And sometimes, with fruit. Lots of fruit. Sliced up fruit. Fruit, including cherry tomatoes.
Korean fruit cakes.
Of course you aren't just limited to one bakery. Korea loves doing franchises and my favourite bakeries are Paris Baguette and Tous les Jours. Should you want something different, get an ice-cream cake from Baskin Robbins. Their cakes are usually layers of different flavours of ice-cream, and decorated to fit the occasion.

I LOVE Baskin Robbins cakes.

Today I'm appreciating Korean cakes, because they make it just too easy to have your cake AND eat it. All of it.
It wouldn't be Asian if it wasn't cute.


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