To be free...

"The secret of happiness is freedom. The secret to freedom is courage."


In a way leaving Korea means leaving behind a lot of my freedom.
Financial freedom: I will definitely not be getting the same salary as I am getting here and I won't have as little financial responsibility.

Freedom of responsibility: I will have to pay bills, rent, tax and buy a car.

General freedom: I won't be able to sleep with all my windows open. I won't be able to walk wherever I want to, whenever I want to. I won't be able to leave my handbag open on the table in a restaurant.

The freedom here is one of the reasons I've stayed for so long. It's being free to do and say what you want, when you want and how you want. And deciding to give that up was one of my hardest decisions ever.

I know, however, that I am heading home to the people I love, the country (and continent) of my heart and to old dreams and new adventures. And in that, I am convinced, I will find a new freedom.


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